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property icon Lukoil


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270 Sylvan Ave
Little Ferry NJ 07643

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(1.35 km / 0.84 mi )

(1.38 km / 0.86 mi )



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I-80-NJ-66-WB Map
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    The PJSC Lukoil Oil Company (Russian: \u041b\u0443\u043a\u043e\u0439\u043b, tr. Lukoil, IPA: [\u02c8lu\u02d0k\u0254\u026al] stylized as LUKOIL) is a Russian multinational energy corporation headquartered in Moscow, specializing in the business of extraction, production, transport, and sale of petroleum, natural gas, and petroleum products. It was formed in 1991 when three state-run, western Siberian companies named after the respective town in Khanty\u2013Mansi Autonomous Okrug that each was based in, Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, merged. Its name is the combination of the acronym LUK (initials of the oil-producing cities of Langepas, Uray, Kogalym) and the English word \

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